Digital Deposits

Easy Online Deposit Account Opening

Give your bank customers a simple online experience
for opening checking and savings accounts.


Online Application

Customers fill out a simple online application on any device. The system saves their progress so they can continue working on their application 24/7.


Customers upload their identification card while going through the account opening process and LoanCloud verifies their identity to mitigate fraud.

Increase Account Acquisition

LoanCloud transforms your banking website into a full-service 24/7 online sales channel for deposits and loans that extends your reach beyond your branches.

Easy for Everyone

You do not need to be tech savvy to fill out the online application and upload documents. The system is designed so anyone can do it.

Seamless Data Transfer

LoanCloud seamlessly sends customer data directly into your bank’s forms software.

Bank Branded & Quick Implementation

LoanCloud brands the system with your banks logo, color scheme and URL. Implementation is less than a week and with a user-friendly system, staff will be trained up shortly after.